Hi there! I am Siddiqi (pronounced si-dee-kee), but you can call me Sid.
My name means, “the friend who tells the truth,” and that’s exactly what I do. Like a trusted confidante, my mission is to empower you to discover the truth within yourself — that innate voice of intuition we all possess.
My Journey
Years ago, a hit-and-run accident nearly ended my life. It was a wake-up call. I had been climbing the corporate ladder, feeling lost and out of place. This brush with death made me realize it was time to listen to my inner voice. I left the corporate world behind and embarked on a new path that has been far more rewarding.
Empowering Others
Today, driven individuals seek my guidance to navigate their options, make informed forecasts, and overcome obstacles. Together, we uncover deeper insights, gain practical tools, and create a roadmap for success and personal fulfillment. Witnessing their relief and empowerment as they overcome challenges is incredibly inspiring.
My Experience
My professional path has been extraordinary. I’ve worked with luminaries like Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama, been sought out by politicians, Navy SEALs, moguls, and professionals from all walks of life. I’ve co-authored a book with Deepak Chopra, trained at the Edgar Cayce Institute, and spearheaded groundbreaking research at the Mayo Clinic.
Living My Dream
I am happily married to my soulmate, a devoted dog mom, and live in paradise on an island in the Pacific. To say I am living my dream is an understatement! I’m aligned with my purpose and pursuing my most ambitious visions.
How I Can Help You
As an intuitive consultant with over 30 years of training and experience, I support clients to tap into their innate intuitive abilities and make empowered decisions. This leads to profound transformations and remarkable success.
Client Examples:
- A C-suite executive’s trust in intuition led to multi-million dollar wins while competing companies crumbled.
- An industry expert’s inner guidance sparked groundbreaking innovation, resulting in a movie, TV show, and bestseller.
- A corporate leader left burnout behind and followed instincts to creating a fulfilling philanthropic legacy.
- A CEO turned a health crisis into inspired action by creating a company-wide wellness initiative that drove productivity and employee retention.
- A physician’s “hunch” led to a medical breakthrough, partnerships, and products, amplifying influence and impact.
These are just a few examples. My clients have made significant shifts in all areas of their lives, and you can too.
My Commitment to You
I am personally committed to guiding you towards your unique version of success. Working with me can accelerate your path to success, saving you time, energy, and resources. It’s not just about strategy, it’s about profound personal transformation.
Are You Ready?
Are you ready to harness your innate decision-making superpowers, and achieve truly extraordinary outcomes?
Let’s unlock your limitless potential together!